Saturday, September 1, 2018

Soursop Fruit Cure For Cancer?

I have hunted and scoured the Net for foods that can heal and cure you for almost 2 years now... no matter what ails you.  Some foods are amazing and I can say for certain many of these foods have given me the gift of health from being a type 2 diabetic, over weight (lost over 100lbs.), brain damage from a stroke, high blood pressure and a host of other issues.

I firmly believe eating the right foods can make anyone healthy and here is one more example.  Soursop fruit.

Many have claimed this fruit has cured their cancer.  That must be one very nutrient dense fruit!  Common sense says if lots of people say this cures cancer why not eat it?  Many others say it kills off parasites, reduces inflammation, improves respiratory conditions, heals the skin, boosts the immune system, soothes the stomach, and relieves pain. The fruit includes vitamin C, vitamin B, and a number of antioxidant compounds.  Check the video out to see all kinds of exotic fruits including the soursop fruit which tastes like cotton candy...

I like the video because of her excitment throughout.  I sometimes think how my life would be so different if I ate the things that promoted health.  20/20 right?

I encourage you to grow healthy foods or at the very least eat them and make them your prefered diet.  If 95% of what you eat was good for you then maybe your health would be good enough so you enjoy a long and happy life.

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember this, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study (for the most part... some do) natural healing methods.

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