Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Succulants That Can Get You Super Healthy

Succulents are easy to grow and most are beautiful to look at.  They make easy to care for houseplants especially for those who don't water their plants very often.  

But what I care about are plants that heal and are good to eat.  Here are some that fit the health test...

Purslane, also called Verdolaga, is a succulent edible weed.  It appears in late spring and is discarded and picked out of gardens as invasive weeds.  But those picking it and throwing it away are missing out of one of the healthiest weeds ever.  

Purslane is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids!  This is rare in the plant community.  Normally thought of as something you could only get from fish, now you can get plenty of Omega 3 Fatty Acids from this remarkable, even tasty succulent. One more plant I grow on my farm and enjoy eating!

Dragon Fruit

These beautiful pink fruits come from a night-blooming cactus commonly known as the queen of the night. Their flavor is very mild.

Dragon fruit has a high level of vitamin C, minerals, and is involved in fighting free radicals and possessing antioxidant properties. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin, and fiber also contribute to improving the functioning of your immune system.


It's a fruit, called “tuna” in Mexico, but commonly known as the prickly pear stateside.  They taste like a combination of bubblegum and watermelon.

Opuntia has flat, oval leaves that can be boiled or grilled and used in salads, soups, salsas, and tacos. The fruit can be peeled, sliced, and eaten raw or juiced.  My grandma used to make jam from the fruit.

The leaves are packed with fiber and calcium and just 23 calories per cup. The fruit is also low in calories and high in vitamin C.

These are just 3 succulents that are healthy and very tasty as well.  There are more so...

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study natural healing methods (for the most part... some do) .

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