Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Ginger Offers Tons Of Health Benefits

Ginger is a root, (called rhizomes... closely related to turmeric).  On my farm, I grow moringa, turmeric, curry, and ginger as the main plants that I consume daily to achieve ultimate health and wellness.

Ginger is quite a beautiful plant but it is not the leaves or flowers we want to eat... it's the root.  As it grows it continues to grow new roots and leaves and since it grows so fast you can harvest it all season long.  Turmeric is harvested once a year.  Both will die off before winter and then you dig up everything you grew.

Now for the benefits:

Diabetics drink ginger water in the morning on an empty stomach, in order to keep their blood sugars normal.

Can stop a cough and relieve sore throats.  All you do is cut the ginger into slices and add them to boiling water. Then, add some honey and lemon. This amazing natural remedy can help you relieve a sore throat, coughing, and nasal congestion.

Ginger calms an upset stomach and prevents bloating and gas.  Boil some ginger slices in water, add honey and to consume the drink.

Boosts blood circulation.  Squeeze the juice of 50g grated ginger and add it in 4-5l hot water. Then, soak a cloth in the solution and apply it on the problematic body areas.

Treats acid reflux. The ingredients of this amazing root are six times more useful than any medications.

Toothache relief.  Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can also alleviate a toothache. All you should do is to rub some raw ginger on your gums. Also, you can boil it in water, cool the solution and then use it to rinse your mouth.

Reduces inflammation.  Ginger contains gingerol, an active ingredient which is very effective in fighting against cell inflammations. Those with arthritis pain found that the consumption of ginger successfully reduces pain and muscle swelling.  Ginger is good for other health issues, like diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s.

It relieves nausea.  Ginger works to calm your stomach so it works well in most stomach related problems.

It inhibits cancer cells.  Many different studies suggest that the use of ginger rhizomes lowers inflammation of the colon and intestines, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study natural healing methods (for the most part... some do) .

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