Monday, January 7, 2019

Money... What good is it?

I will start by saying this, "What follows is my personal opinion, and I don't care who disagrees with me."

It is my belief, opinion, that money is the worst invention EVER by man.  It creates the illusion of ownership, causes greediness, jealousy, envy, even murder!

No one owns anything while alive on this earth.  You merely posses it until you die.  Whatever you call "owned", is fought over after you die (by your family), if it has any perceived value.  Then someone else "pretends, or they think" they own it.

In these times, there isn't enough money in the world for just one person.  People are playing monopoly for real.  And I wish someone would win, take all the worldly possessions, and all the cash in the world.  Finally end the madness.

What if the world had no countries, and no money for everyone to try and hoard.  If the world was just "The World", and we are all citizens, looking after one another (like brothers and sisters), there would be no need to spend TRILLIONS on defense, or weapons of mass destruction.

If you could pursue what you have a special talent for, and do that for a living, and people worked to better this planet with clean energy, rather than the things people get rich off of... and worked to clean up the mess, (created by an all out assault of stripping the earth of the things we consider rare, like diamonds etc.), wouldn't that make for a happier life.

The possibilities are so good, if the negative people stayed out of it, for all to have everything necessary for a great life.

Gordon Gekko famous line from the movie "Wall Street", was "Greed Is Good".  Bulls**t!  That is what is making this world a cesspool.  But your politicians think Gordon is right

I know, I know, I sound like a socialist.  The main reason why socialism failed was greedy people who were in charge... because of money.  What would the world be if you "COULDN'T" own anything.  Rather be given the things you need in exchange for the work you do best.  Just my opinion.

You can follow me on Facebook.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Get The Very Best All Natural Cure For Any Skin Disorder

Are you suffering because of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rash, acne, skin tags, dark spots, etc.?  Then why not use something that is all natural... rather than having a doctor prescribe some drug that might cause more harm than good?

What is this magical product you ask?

Moringa Oil.

Moringa Oil comes from the Moringa tree (the seeds) and is also known as the “Miracle Tree” in many cultures.

The oil was so valued in ancient times, by the pharaohs of Egypt, the oil has been found in their tombs so they could have it in the afterlife.

Moringa Oil has many vitamins and nutrients as well as antibacterial properties and is used to disinfect.  The mash left over, once the seeds give up their oil, is used to purify the worst water found in third world countries.

Since Moringa Oil is 100% all natural it is safe for 99% of the population.  Only those who are allergic shouldn’t use it and some say pregnant woman should check with a doctor first.  Since it is very safe, much more safer than any drug, why not have Moringa Oil in your medicine cabinet?

It also works for a host of other things like bug bites, insect stings, scratches, cuts, burns... well are you getting the picture yet?

It restores hair loss, cures fungal such as athletes feet, stops inflammation as well as stops joint pain.  Sore backs, pulled muscles are no match for Moringa Oil. Sounds almost too good to believe, doesn’t it?

Well I will refund anyone who says they used it and it didn’t work for them.  I will give a full 30 days for you to try it and if you don’t like it, just return it for a full refund.  So with nothing to lose go here to order now!...

And here is the best part, you can try Moringa Oil for just a measly $8.00.  Hurry over while supplies last!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Meat Is NOT The Answer To Curing Your Illness

Let me ask you... “Has anyone ever said to you that their stake or hamburger cured their cancer or any other illness for that matter?”
How about lamb chops, pork, bacon, chicken???  So why eat it if it does nothing but clog up your arteries and give you a heart attack?

We eat these things because we were brought up on them and we love the taste!  I, for one, LOVED eating a double bacon (extra bacon) cheeseburger with a boat load of sauce dripping out on every bite.  Just thinking about it makes my mouth flood with anticipation of that first bite!

But if you have an illness like type 2 diabetes, cancer, liver disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any number of other issues... or you just want to insure your good health... then you need to eat plants. 

I have heard a number of plants that have reversed, even cured, a number of illnesses and restored peoples health back to normal.  And that is why I have studied and used myself as a guinea pig eating all the plants that claim to heal.

My diet since 2016 is mainly plant based.  That’s not to say I’m a tree hugging herbalist or anything else people call themselves.  I will eat fish and any other seafood,
occasionally.  And while I’ll eat a salad, it really isn’t that often.  I prefer farm fresh eggs, from my chickens, and I’ll put all kinds of different things into my scrambled eggs.

Here is my list of what I consider to be the best plants that you should have in your meals every single day if you want to be healthy and stay that way. (Just imagine telling your doctor you will no longer be seeing them and taking their Meds!... it’s an awesome feeling, one I know about because I did it.)

Also, everyday I take a lot of extracts along with super-foods I grow (organically) and sell at my website

1.  Moringa ... my top pick because it has the most vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids than all other plants.  Pound for pound this plant heals more illnesses than any other plant that I know of. Every part of the tree is good to eat.  Most eat the leaves, while others prefer the oil made from the drumsticks (seed pods).  

Others eat the seeds and drumsticks cut up in soups or stews and others eat the bark and roots (which tastes like horseradish).  When eating the roots only eat the young trees no bigger that 3 feet tall.  I eat the powder and make my own capsules.  I take 50-60 capsules everyday.  Taken 3 times before meals.  It helped me lose more than 100 lbs. and get off of prescription medications altogether!

2. Turmeric ... my second choice for all of it’s healing powers. Turmeric has the "curcumin" compound, found in turmeric, is powerful enough that it can help relieve arthritis pain, break up tumors, and control diabetes. It promotes good blood flow, which helps protect against heart disease. The plant may even keep some brain plaques from forming, though more research on that front is needed. 

It is also know for it’s anti-inflammatory properties.  If you want anti-inflammatory effects you need to get 500 to 1,000 milligrams of curcuminoids per day.” When using the spice on its own, the common rule of thumb is that there are 200 milligrams of curcumin in one teaspoon of fresh or ground turmeric.

Most importantly... to have turmeric enter your bloodstream you need to add BLACK PEPPER.  Also, your body will absorb even more when it is heated up... so add it to your scrambled eggs or soups.  It doesn't take a lot of black pepper but it doesn't hurt to add a ratio of 3 parts black pepper to 10 parts Turmeric.

Also, Turmeric tastes much better when fresh rather than buying it in the spice rack at your local grocery store.

3.  Curry Leaves ... the third most important plant I eat daily.  If you have type 2 diabetes then I highly recommend eating 5-6 curry leaves eaten raw every morning on a empty stomach.

It will help control your blood sugars throughout the day.  I also will put a little Moringa Oil in a pan and rough cut about 10 curry leaves and saute them before putting in sliced onions and peppers in next.  After everything is sweated, I will add 3 eggs and scramble them.  I add Turmeric powder along with black pepper and that is my powerhouse breakfast (sometimes dinner).

4. Snake Gourd ... my fourth pick as most important (for me).  Snake gourd is grown in India and has a lot of goodies to help reverse type 2 diabetes.

You will get high levels of protein as well as vitamins... it possesses vitamin A, B, C, as well as manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and iodine.  Find all that in a cheeseburger! I grow these as you can see.  These gourds grow fast and plentiful.

5. Ginger ... my top 5 picks for plants you need to have in your meals everyday.  Diabetics drink ginger water in the morning on an empty stomach, in order to keep their blood sugars normal.

Ginger can stop a cough and relieve sore throats.  All you do is cut the ginger into slices and add them to boiling water. Then, add some honey and lemon. This amazing natural remedy can help you relieve a sore throat, coughing, and nasal congestion. Ginger calms an upset stomach and prevents bloating and gas.  Boil some ginger slices in water, add honey and to consume the drink.

Boosts blood circulation.  Squeeze the juice of 50g grated ginger and add it in 4-5l hot water. Then, soak a cloth in the solution and apply it on the problematic body areas. Treats acid re-flux. The ingredients of this amazing root are six times more useful than any medications.

Toothache relief.  Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can also alleviate a toothache. All you should do is to rub some raw ginger on your gums. Also, you can boil it in water, cool the solution and then use it to rinse your mouth.

Reduces inflammation.  Ginger contains "gingerol", an active ingredient which is very effective in fighting against cell inflammations. Those with arthritis pain found that the consumption of ginger successfully reduces pain and muscle swelling.  Ginger is good for other health issues, like diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s.

It relieves nausea.  Ginger works to calm your stomach so it works well in most stomach related problems. It inhibits cancer cells.  Many different studies suggest that the use of ginger rhizomes lowers inflammation of the colon and intestines, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.

6.  Soursop ... Also an extract I take every morning.  This fruit is known as one of the worlds super-foods.  Many have claimed it cured their cancer. 

If thousands make a claim that it cured them of cancer then common sense says it must be good for you so why not take it to ward off any cancers in the future?  Many others say it kills off parasites, reduces inflammation, improves respiratory conditions, heals the skin, boosts the immune system, soothes the stomach, and relieves pain. The fruit includes vitamin C, vitamin B, and a number of antioxidant compounds.  Packed with goodness so it is worth my top picks.

7.  Billberry ... A major fruit extract I take for eye health.  The fruit looks like blueberries, but is grown in Europe.  It is very different than blueberries because of what it contains.

As a type 2 diabetic, one of the challenges we are faced with a poor blood circulation and high blood pressure.  One of the many things effected and soon deteriorate is the eyes.  That is due to the blood vessels being the smallest in any other part of your body.  If your eyes don’t get the necessary blood flow, they deteriorate to the point of blindness.  Bilberry is thought of as a remedy for eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and retinitis pigmentosa.

Bilberries are also thought to curb inflammation and protect against diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and age-related cognitive decline.

Bilberry is said to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and is sometimes taken orally for varicose veins.

Bilberry is the richest natural sources of anthocyanin, which is an antioxidant that provides it the dark blue color. Along with anthocyanin, it also contains other phenolic components such as quercetin, tannins, pectin, and catechins. It also contains alkaloids, carbonic acids, and a range of vital nutrients including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, and K. The minerals present in it are chromium, manganese, zinc, and iron.

You can pickup the extract at most health stores and if you pick up some ginkgo biloba you will treat your eyes with a bath of healing nutrients all natural rather than drugs or surgery (bypassing your expensive doctors from taking more of your hard earned money).  You can thank me later.

You can support my small farm by purchasing the products I grow and sell for your health as well as beauty... just go to

Of course, there are many other plants and you are free to comment on your favorite ones.  I have type 2 diabetes and HAD high blood pressure and high cholesterol... not to mention many other issues I won’t go into.  These work for me.  Your illness or condition might require something different.  I wish you well and remember meat, sugar (including soda pop, all chocolates, candies and other crap will not make a healthy body).  It is up to you to change your eating habits and your children's eating habits.  It can save you from expensive doctor bills and from medications they love to prescribe that can cause more harm than good.  Just know, your doctor doesn’t make money from healthy people... just sick people so they probably won’t tell you about this good stuff.

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study natural healing methods (for the most part... some do) .

Friend me on Facebook and leave your comments below.  Also, feel free to share this with your friends.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Moringa Oil Beats Olive Oil Hands Down

It is true!... Moringa Oil BEATS Olive Oil hands down.  How you ask?

Yes, you can cook with Moringa Oil, make salad dressing, even swallow it by the spoon fulls.  

Unlike Olive Oil, Moringa Oil is jammed-packed with vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids.  And it even tastes better!

Any recipe that calls for olive oil, cocconut oil, or any other oil can be substituted with Moringa Oil.

But here are even more reasons Moringa Oil beats any other oil hands down.

 1. It's a source of healthly daily nutrient-packed oil not found in anything else. Moringa is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It contains significant amounts of vitamin A, C, and E; calcium; potassium; and protein. No more pills that really don’t enter your blood stream, Moringa oil will be absorb by your blood stream better that any pills.

2. It fights free radicals... Antioxidants fight free radicals, molecules that cause oxidative stress, cell damage, and inflammation. Moringa contains antioxidants called flavonoids, polyphenols, and ascorbic acid in the leaves, flowers, and seeds. A study found that leaf extracts had higher antioxidant activity, free-radical-scavenging capacity, and higher inhibition of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidation than flowers and seeds. This means it prevents the damage and degradation that free radicals cause in the cells of different organs in the body, keeping them healthy and functioning at their best.

3. It fights inflammation... Inflammation can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and obesity. Moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body, and Moringa leaf concentrate can significantly lower inflammation in the cells.

4. It helps reduce some diabetes symptoms... Moringa leaf powder has been effective at reducing lipid and glucose levels and regulating oxidative stress in diabetic patients, which means it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and improves protection against cell damage.

5. It protects the cardiovascular system.
Moringa leaf powder and Moringa Oil has heart-healthy benefits, particularly in blood lipid control, the prevention of plaque formation in the arteries, and reduced cholesterol levels.

6. It supports brain health. Moringa supports brain health and cognitive function because of its antioxidant and neuro-enhancer activities. It's also been tested as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease with favorable preliminary results. Its high content of vitamins E and C fight oxidation that leads to neuron degeneration, improving brain function. It’s also able to normalize the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline in the brain, which play a key role in memory, mood, organ function, responses to stimulus such as stress and pleasure, and mental health, for example in depression and psychosis.

7. It protects the liver... Moringa contains high concentrations of polyphenols in its leaves and flowers that protect the liver against oxidation, toxicity, and damage. Moringa can reduce liver damage and fibrosis and reverse oxidation in the liver. Moringa oil can also restore liver enzymes to normal levels, reducing oxidative stress, and increasing protein content in the liver. The liver is responsible for blood detoxification, bile production, fructose metabolism, fat metabolism, and nutrient processing, and it can only fulfill these functions with the aid of liver enzymes, so it's vital they stay at normal levels. For instance, lower levels of hepatic enzymes can impair its ability to filter the blood.

8. It contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties... Moringa has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight infections. It's been effective against types of fungi that cause infections on skin and strains of bacteria responsible for blood and urinary tract infections and digestive problems.

9. It enhances wound healing... Moringa has blood-clotting properties in its leaves, roots, and seeds (which the oil comes from) that benefit wound healing and can reduce clotting time, which means it reduces the time it takes for scratches, cuts, or wounds to stop bleeding.

10. Can cure eczema and psoriasis. Skin may appear red, inflamed, peeling, cracked, blistered, or pus-filled. Generally eczema is not covered with scaly dead skin. As with psoriasis, dermatitis can occur anywhere on the body and causes intense itching.  Moringa oil can provide even reverse eczema and psoriasis.  Just apply 3 times a day until you see the results.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

2 Very Tasty Recipes That Trick Your Kids

In today's fast food world and the foods we eat daily... (really should be called "POISON"), there are ways to trick you and your children into having something not only nutritious, extremely healthy, but MOST IMPORTANTLY... Very Tasty!

Here are 2 very appealing things to make that you and - MOST IMPORTANTLY - your kids will beg you for more. 

Very Healthy Butternut Squash Macaroni & Cheese

Hiding veggies in mac and cheese is usually a great strategy for getting children to eat more produce, but really picky eaters will still manage to avoid every piece of greenery in the dish. 
Directions: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. In the meantime, combine squash and milk in a medium saucepan set over medium-high heat. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer, reduce to low, cover, and cook until tender. about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a blender and blend until smooth.

Place a large skillet over medium heat and add butter. Add shallot, season with salt and pepper, and cook until soft, about 2 to 3 minutes. Add squash mixture, stock, and nutmeg. Simmer until thickened, about 5 minutes. Add cheese and stir to combine. Set aside.

Place a small skillet over medium heat and add olive oil. Add panko and cook, tossing occasionally, until golden. Set aside.

Cook pasta in boiling water to 1 minute less than package instructions. Drain, reserving some of the pasta cooking water.

Add 1 teaspoon of Moringa Oil or 1/4 oz. Moringa Powder. Add drained pasta to sauce along with parsley. Add pasta water to loosen, if needed. Serve topped with breadcrumbs, parsley, and additional cheese.

You puree the squash right into the sauce, which gives it the same orange color and creamy texture as any boxed version. And because this dish calls for whole-wheat noodles, your little one will get even more great nutrition.


4 cups (1-inch cubes) peeled, seeded butternut squash
1 cup milk
2 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 large shallot, finely chopped
½ cup low-sodium chicken stock
1 pound whole-wheat elbow macaroni
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese, plus more
½ cup chopped fresh parsley, plus more
1-2 tablespoons
Moringa Oil 
⅓ cup panko breadcrumbs
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Turmeric Hot Chocolate & Moringa Oil


1-2 tsp Honey
Baking & Spices 

1 Pinch Black pepper
1 Pinch Cayenne pepper
1 1/2 tbsp Cocoa powder, Unsweetened 
1 tsp Turmeric, Ground 
1 tsp Moringa Oil  
1 cup Milk

In a saucepan combine the milk, cocoa powder, turmeric, and Moringa Oil. Give it a good whisk and bring to a boil. Whisk occasionally to get rid of any turmeric or cocoa lumps and to make sure the milk won’t stick to the bottom of the saucepan.

When you bring it to a boil, turn off the heat and stir in black pepper and cayenne pepper. Now all you have to do is pour this in cups and serve.

Can I substitute some of the ingredients?

Yes. You can substitute some of the ingredients. Just bear in mind that certain ingredients are used in this turmeric hot chocolate on purpose. For example, black pepper and 
Moringa Oil helps your body absorb the Curcuma from turmeric so do NOT omit the black pepper and Moringa Oil

Cayenne pepper can be omitted. Instead of honey, you can use any sweetener of your choice.

As for the milk: I personally haven’t tried using dairy-free milk but I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t work.

Friday, September 28, 2018

An Amazing Beauty Product & Powerful Health Product All In One?

Moringa Oil Is Truly Amazing!

Just Look At What You Have Been Missing...

Whether applied on the skin or consumed, Moringa Oil is known to offer a great variety of health and beauty benefits. For thousands of years, people have been using and benefitting from Moringa oil. It has even been discovered in the tombs of Pharaohs where they took only their most prized possessions to the afterlife.

Here is a list of some health benefits:

Skin Health

Moringa oil (also called Ben oil and Drumbstick oil) is known to be the safest and perhaps the very best all-natural skin moisturizer. Massaging it into the skin makes the skin soft, supple and glowing. Best part, it is not sticky and does not make the skin look oily.

Image result for remove wrinkles on face

Massaging it well makes it completely absorbed by the skin, which then works on the skin texture from within. It is rich in antioxidants and omega 9 fatty acids that prevent signs of aging by smoothening the skin and the appearance of wrinkles and creates an even skin tone. 

It spreads easily and makes your skin look nice but also works on the internal health of the skin. Apart from working as a moisturizer, other skin benefits include:
  • Works wonders on dry or irritated skin.
  • Natural oil to treat skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it safe and effective for acne prone skin.
  • Gives the skin a youthful glow especially during cold and dry weather.
  • It has the capacity to reduce and minimize scars on the skin. 
  • It can also be put on cuts, scrapes, burns, and bruises to quickly heal and disinfectant and prevent scar formations and infection.
  • Common fungal infections like ringworm, athlete’s foot, toe fungus, can be treated with Moringa oil because of its high antifungal properties.
  • Removes/reduces and delays the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Hair Health

Moringa oil can restore your hair, make it stronger, and healthier too.

It is an effective conditioner that makes the hair strong by seeping into the scalp and offering thicker stronger, shinier hair.

Moringa oil even restores hair from baldness without dangerous chemicals.  Works especially well for those experiencing thinning hair.

Using it as a hot oil conditioner can relieve most hair problems like dandruff, dryness, split ends, dullness and rough hair. If you have scalp irritation or itchiness, Moringa oil offers relief from it all.

Damaged and lifeless hair can be completely repaired because of the presence of behenic acid.

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Moringa oil restores and balances the natural vitality of the hair without changing or altering the pH and sebum levels of the hair.

You can indulge in a highly nourishing and conditioning DIY hair treatment:
  1. Just warm the oil and gently massage it into the hair with the tips of your fingers.
  2. Soak a towel in hot water, wring out extra water and wrap it around your oiled hair.
  3. Leave it on till the heat completely goes off. The heat will allow your scalp to better absorb the oil, repairing the hair from the roots.
  4. Leave the oil on for at least an hour then use a mild herbal shampoo to wash hair.
Taking this treatment once a week will significantly improve the health of your hair. You will have healthier hair from root to tip and all scalp problems will completely vanish!

Liver Health

Consuming Moringa oil is known to offer good liver health, especially for those people who have damaged their liver because of high toxic levels.
Certain medication or health problems like hepatitis B are known to have an adverse effect on the liver and increase certain damaging levels. Moringa oils reduce the toxic and damaging levels and enhance liver function.

Oral Health

Massaging Moringa oil on the gums reduces inflammation or any other gum problems. People with scurvy can also greatly benefit from Moringa oil. The taste is mild and does not make it an unpleasant experience. Massaging Moringa oil on the gums regularly can show great results within weeks of use.

Joints health

Damaged or painful joints is another very common health issue faced by people today. using Moringa oil used as a rheumatic oil and massaging it on affected joints can reduce pain, inflammation and restricted movement. Many injuries, wear, and tear, can be treated effectively and provide quick relief with Moringa Oil.

Emotional Health

One of the oldest uses of Moringa oil is providing emotional health. Hysteria or emotional instability can easily be controlled and calmed. Moringa oil is being studied as a way to repair some brain injuries as it acts to revitalize and restores nerves in the brain.

Stomach Health

Centuries ago, Moringa oil was the most commonly used deworming remedy. Because of its properties, it helped clear the stomach and is to date known to be an effective remedy for stomach ulcers. It was also used as an anti-poison before modern medicines replaced its use.

Eye Health

Moringa oil controls retinal damage be keeping the retinal vasculature intact.


It is also known as a great source of energy. The oil keeps you fresh and active and revitalizes your mind and body to function better. You won't experience high's and low's throughout the day like you do with caffeine.  You will discover an enormous energy boost after consuming the Moringa oil that lasts all day.

Weight Loss

Moringa Oil (especially Moringa powder because of the high fiber content) can help you shed those unwanted pounds.  Because your energy levels are much higher the need to snack is no longer something you need or miss. Also, it can regulate and improve your bowel movements which aid in your weight loss.

Bone development

Moringa oil nourishes and improves bone development. In ancient Egypt young children were given moringa oil as a nutritional supplement for better bone development and a healthier body.

Get rid of toxins

It helps the body gets rid of waste and toxins, while also enhancing the nutrition absorption in the stomach. Drinking Moringa tree is way healthier than consuming artificial and sugary energy drinks for an instant bout of energy!

Moringa Oil Benefits for Specific Medical conditions

Moringa Oil is used to treat many health and medical conditions. Some of the many conditions include:
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis/Joint Pain
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Constipation/Diarrhea
  • Epilepsy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • Headaches
  • Intestinal spasms/ulcers
  • Bacterial/Fungal/Viral/Parasitic Infections
  • Kidney stones
Moringa is also a commonly used aphrodisiac known to enhance a person’s sex drive. For women especially, Moringa oil prevents pregnancy.

Using it as a health supplement or tonic is known to improve overall health and also boost a person’s immunity.

What is Moringa oil used for?

Ever since Moringa oil was first extracted, it is used for many industrial and home uses. Apart from health uses and regular wellness uses, Moringa oil is used for:

Relaxing and calm sleep

Massaging Moringa oil on the head is a great cure for sleeplessness or soothing an irritated mind. You can add a few drops of lavender oil for a very relaxing and calm sleep. It is a great sleep aid that improves your sleep cycle.

Remove dead cells

The polluted environment today greatly damages our skin. Using artificial or synthetic products makes it worse!
Use Moringa oil to gently exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells and damage to the skin. You can add olive oil and sugar to make it a great daily skin care regime. The combination of effective, gentle and absolutely natural.

Hard nails

Hard nails can be softened by messaging Moringa oil. Soak nails in oil, gently massage and leave overnight. Wash with warm water in the morning for best results. the overall texture and nail health improve by doing this on a regular basis. Once softened you can do this weekly to maintain good nails.

Moringa oil for nails care


Used as a sex lubricant for women and men.


All perfumes have an oil base and Moringa oil is probably the best of all. It is an absolutely natural oil base for perfumes and the most widely known commercial use of it.


The many skin benefits offered by Moringa oil has made it a widely used for making soaps. Moringa oil based soaps are moisturizing, cleansing and gentle on the skin. Today one can easily find shampoos, body washes, skin scrubs, hand lotions, lip balms, and other cosmetic products, especially for hygiene, infused with Moringa oil.


As a cooking or salad oil, Moringa oil is great for both! It is mostly used for deep frying or sautéing as the smoke point is high.

Storing Moringa Oil

Moringa oil can be easily stored without having to worry about it going bad. It does not get rancid and thus can easily be stored for a long time.
The cold pressed Moringa oil is probably the best buying and storing option as it is healthier and even more dense and flavorful. The oil can be stored for up to 5 years. In fact, the Egyptians were known to place Moringa oil vases in their tombs as the oil has very high oxidative stability. It is probably one of the most stable oils.

Moringa Oil and Pregnancy 

Pregnancy is the only time that the use of Moringa oil is not recommended. Using before pregnancy and after is okay but not during pregnancy. To be safe always consult a physician.

Others side effects

Consuming Moringa oil is known to have no side effects. Up to 6 grams of Moringa Oil daily does not cause any side effects. Age, health conditions and allergies may change the dosage for individuals. Although the oil has no side effects, consult your regular physician is always recommended to ensure you don’t have any specific conditions, allergies or issues that could be triggered by Moringa oil. Moringa oil is a rich source of omega 9 fatty acids that improve blood pressure levels but if you are already on medication for blood pressure, you may want to consult your physician to avoid risks of damaging levels of hypertension. Even though Moringa oil is one of the best natural resources for all kinds of skin and skin problems, every individual has a unique skin type and thus a small patch test on the skin must be done before beginning regular application. If you are using Moringa oil for cooking or as a salad dressing, use small amounts because consuming in very large amounts can cause issues like flatulence, bloating, cramping or even diarrhea.


Looking at the many benefits and properties of Moringa Oil it can be safely said that it is indeed a great health/beauty oil. From internal to external health, Moringa Oil offers so many benefits that you should have this on hand. Today, medical experts who believe in alternative medicines have been highly recommending the use of Moringa oil for specific health or skin issues and even as a daily supplement for improves health.

Our 100% pure Moringa oil is the finest quality you can get. Right from the selection to the extraction and manufacturing, we assume complete quality and offer only the very best. Using our Moringa oil as a health supplement, cooking oil, hair or skin treatment or any other of the many uses it offers will add great value to your life every day. Get your bottle of pure Moringa oil and see the difference in life, health, and your beauty!

To get the finest Moringa oil just go to my website Also, you will see other great products that heal and make you healthy.

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study natural healing methods (for the most part... some do).

Friend me on Facebook and leave your comments below.  Also, feel free to share this with your friends.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Simple Drink That Keeps You Thin & Healthy

The simplest foods can be the very best for your health, yet we don't take the time to even make them.  And as I suspect, after you see this most of you will never try this one either.  As they say... you can lead a horse to water... blah, blah, blah, blah.

But here goes anyway.

This simple drink will aid you to shed pounds and keep them off, repair your gut and provide a lot of antioxidants (keeping you in peak health).  This drink is fantastic for type 2 diabetics to regulate blood glucose as well as people with high blood pressure. So what is it?

Ginger root, turmeric/black pepper with lemon and honey.

Image result for a woman drinking a healthy drink

Here is how to make it. First peel your ginger then...

1). Squeeze 5-7 fresh lemons into a pitcher.
2). Grate your ginger (about the size of your hand) into the pitcher.
3). Add fresh turmeric/black pepper powder (about a tablespoon)
4). Add honey (about a teaspoon)

Drink a glass before breakfast and before your dinner.  Do this every day and you will soon feel and see the results.  

You have nothing to lose but what ails you!  And, if you are healthy you will still benefit greatly from this wonderful drink so give it a try!!!

Check out my website for lots of products that heal and make you healthy.

As always I urge you to do your own research and remember I am not a doctor so always check with your doctor before using any spice, herb or plant.  (I only say this to avoid lawsuits).  And always remember, your doctor makes money by writing drug prescriptions and they don't study natural healing methods (for the most part... some do).

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